[Announcements] Gearing up for Multibeam
by Simon
27 Jun 2007, 08:50:51 pm |
Hi folks,
Multibeam apps will move to the main SETI@Home project shortly. We have been working on a new app release for a while, and decided to wait until MB was rolled out so we wouldn't have two releases in quick succession.
In any case, whenever the project staff are ready to move Multibeam to main, our new release will follow it in quick succession (or be simultaneous, depending on any last-minute issues).
So keep an eye out on the main S@H boards as well as here, new apps should shortly be incoming.
Regards, Simon.
12 Comments | Reply |
[Announcements] Stop the madness - run for public office now! (this means you, U.S. citizens)
by Simon
16 May 2007, 07:11:26 pm |
Hi folks,
today I read yet another story on how big business is twisting the land of the free into the land of the freely exploitable human resources.
Seems the AG Mr. Gonzales has got it into his head that U.S. citizens should serve sentences up to life imprisonment for the simple act of sharing a piece of copyright-protected media.
Now, there's only one possible way out of this return to the middle ages, slavery and all: Run for office yourself!
Don't let cold-blooded hatemongers rule your lives. Vote with your feet, or get voted for, either way: please make the next elections less of a joke than the last two.
How about a class action suit for fair voting mechanisms up to the Supreme Court, maybe even a direct vote for the president vs. the one by proxy from back when the country was founded?
Forgive my political fervor here, but back when I visited the states for a year in 91/92, it was quite a different country, and I'm not really very old. In my lifetime, it's changed from a place I dreamed of living in to a sad excuse for milking Joe Average to fatten the already overflowing wallets of the richest 1-3% of the populace.
No way can american citizens stand idly by while their freedom is freely sold to whoever bids the most.
Regards, Simon.
3 Comments | Reply |
[Optimized apps] 64-bit science apps based on Rev-2.2B code released
by Simon
13 Apr 2007, 06:15:13 pm |
shortly after the 32-Bit Linux app release, here are some 64-bit science apps based on the same code.
They were ported to 64-bit Linux by Crunch3r and have produced reliable and accurate results in all tests.
Performance is better than the equivalent 32-bit apps on Intel systems, on AMD systems it's not as clear; some assembly may be required.
Nota bene - Requirements
- 64-bit Linux 2.6.x - sorry, no 2.4 supported.[/b]
- glibc 2.3.4 or newer - find out what version yours is by typing "/lib/libc.so.6" on a new line - as if you were trying to execute the library itself, that will show you details about your installed glibc version.[/b]
- 64-bit BOINC client - caution: this will limit your choice of other project to participate in at the same time, because not a lot of them offer 64-bit science apps yet.[/b]
64-bit Linux science apps:
SSE2-generic SSE3-Intel-P4/PD SSE3-Intel-Core 2
Double the bits, double the fun ;o) Simon.
14 Comments | Reply |
[Optimized apps] New compiles of Rev-2.2B code released
by Simon
02 Apr 2007, 04:08:06 pm |
Hi folks,
I've uploaded some new compiles of the Rev-2.2B apps.
Contrary to the initial apps, these will not be static/statified, but instead come in two flavours - Kernel-2.4 and Kernel-2.6. Should you still have trouble with libraries and/or segfaults, please post in this thread; still, 2 versions per app should be enough, I hope.
The compilation platform we used, Suse 9.2, is really not all that current - if your libraries are still not recent enough, it's probably high time you upgraded.
The download links remain the same, if you had trouble with the initially released applications, please try these.
Also, the SSE3-P4 app that was initially released has some accuracy problems; if you're running it on any of your hosts, this version is a required upgrade - you'll lose credit and turn in invalid results if you don't upgrade.
Regards, Simon.
11 Comments | Reply |
[Announcements] Jobs @ Lunatics.at - Entwickler gesucht.
by Simon
25 Mar 2007, 10:17:41 am |
Zuallererst: das ist ein ernstgemeintes Job-Angebot. Die Firma, bei der ich arbeite, braucht neue Mitarbeiter. Wir expandieren und die Arbeit wird für unsere Entwicklungs-Abteilung einfach zu viel.
- PHP coden, JavaScript/CSS
- CVS/Subversion/Repositories - Du solltest schon wissen, wofür und wie man sie benutzt
- IDEs: Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio
- Adobe Flash+ActionScript+Flex/C#/C++/.NET ist ein Bonus (aber keine Voraussetzung)
- Wir sind Betriebssystem-agnostisch, solange Du entweder Windows, Mac OS X oder Linux benutzt.
- Job ist in Wien, Österreich, wir helfen Dir mit der Unterkunft - das heißt, Du mußt hier her umziehen, damit Du den Job bekommst.
Unser Chef-Entwickler ist aus Mexiko, wir haben auch immer wieder Leute aus aller Welt hier für einzelne Projekte - sind also ein internationales Team und sprechen alle mindestens Deutsch und Englisch (Du solltest das auch). Weitere Fremdsprachen sind ein Bonus.
Bitte emaile simon <at-sign> zadra [dot] org mit Deiner Bewerbung und inkludiere einen Lebenslauf. Muß nicht ausgeschmückt sein, die Fakten reichen. Universitäts-Titel sind schön, aber nicht Voraussetzung - Erfahrung zählt.
Bitte bewirb Dich nur, wenn Du ernsthaft interessiert bist und auch hierher umziehen willst. Natürlich arbeitest Du dann auch mit mir zusammen, bin der Sysadmin der Firma.
MFG, Simon.
0 Comments | Reply |
[Announcements] Jobs @ Lunatics.at - Developers wanted.
by Simon
25 Mar 2007, 10:05:04 am |
First of all, this is a serious job offer. The company I work for is looking to hire new staff - we're expanding and the work load is becoming too much for our development department.
Requirements/needed skills
- PHP coding, JavaScript/CSS
- CVS/Subversion/Repositories - you need to know how to use them
- IDEs: Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio
- Adobe Flash+ActionScript+Flex/C#/C++/.NET knowledge is a plus (but not a requirement)
- We're OS-agnostic, as long as you use either Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.
- Job location is in Vienna, Austria (Europe), we will help you with accommodations - this means, you need to move here to get the job.
Our lead developer is from Mexico, we regularly have international people work here on a per-project basis, so we're an international team and all speak English, most of us a second foreign language as well. Still, to live here, you'll probably need to learn to speak German - if you're able to already, it'll be easier for you.
Should you fit the profile, please email simon <at-sign> zadra [dot] org with your job application. Please include a CV (no need to be flamboyant, just the facts, please). University degrees are nice, but no requirement - experience counts.
Please only apply if you are seriously interested and also willing to move here. Of course, you'll get to work with me, too I'll be your resident BOFH (Sysadmin).
Regards, Simon.
0 Comments | Reply |
[Announcements] Forum Software Upgrade - expected server downtime: 1 hour
by Simon
28 Feb 2007, 11:43:35 pm |
Hi folks,
I'm going to take down lunatics.at for maintenance tonight.
Reason - I'm installing an SEO (Search Engine Optimized) modification package for the forums, which I'll later expand for the whole site.
All old links will get redirected and still work. In fact, it's a "permanent" redirect, so the search engines should pick up on it pretty quickly and update their records.
So, in the future, the link
http://lunatics.at/index.php/topic,152.2651.html will look like http://lunatics.at/windows/gpu-crunching-question.msg2651.html instead.
Seems like a small thing, but in terms of search engine hits, it sure isn't
Regards, Simon.
1 Comments | Reply |
[Announcements] Google AdSense ads to support SETI@Home donations
by Simon
16 Feb 2007, 05:14:21 pm |
Hi Folks,
I've been thinking about this a while, but really can't come up with a decision. So, instead I decided to ask you.
What's your opinion on Google AdSense advertisements displayed on this site to support SETI@Home?
Please cast your vote in the poll and help me make up my mind. I'd also like to hear your opinion in more detail - just click "reply".
Thanks for your participation, Simon.
36 Comments | Reply |
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If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.- Murphy's Law
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