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Seti@Home optimized science apps and information  |  Page Listing  |  SETI@Home PayPal donations

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Hi folks,

as you may know, SETI@Home is funded by donations only.

Right now, the project is in danger of running out of money! Now, here is how to help - if you can, donate to SETI@Home directly! This only works if you have a Credit Card, however.

A lot of people have complained (me among them) about the lack of other donation options. To improve this situation, I'm installing a PayPal Donation gateway on this site.

Please enter your details into the form below - make sure you enter your S@H account number (you can find it on this page as "Account Number (used in URLS)")

To remove any confusion: We do not need your account KEY, that's private and you should never give it to anyone else. We need your account NUMBER, which is public.

Of course, donations from people who do not have a SETI@Home account are also accepted gladly!

If you would like to receive a tax exemption certificate of your donation (U.S. residents only!), please either fill out the extra form field on the PayPal page (after you fill out the form below) or send an email to simon dot zadra at gmail dot com with your snail mail address. Your data will only be used for this purpose, not shared and not retained longer than needed for processing.

Donate to SETI@Home using PayPal

Donation amount:

SETI@Home Account Number
List me as a donor ()

Please click on the PayPal Icon above to submit your donation!


Donations in U.S. Dollars
Total Donated:$ 538
PayPal fees:$ 29.38
Net amount:

$ 508.62

Donations in Euros
Total Donated:€ 132
PayPal fees:€ 7
Net amount:€ 125

Eric Korpela (who is one of the few direct project employees) has access to the PayPal account receiving the donations (it's a new one I made just for this purpose).

All funds donated to this PayPal account will go IN FULL to the SETI@Home project, that has to be clear from the start.

PayPal charges a transaction fee, this will be charged no matter what, and be the only deduction - also, it will already be deducted by the time the funds are credited to the account, so again, what comes in does go out in full.

I can only urge you all to donate - be it a dollar or be it more - every little bit counts!

Also, please make sure you fill in your SETI@Home account number for every donation - whether you want your green star or not - to make things easier for the project to process.


If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
- Murphy's Law

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41 Donations to S@H
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Estimated total:$ 709.60
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