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01 Mar 2007, 02:52:29 pm

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you haven't received your account activation e-mail message.

This is most likely due to your ISP's (or your) spam-filter configuration. Most people have no trouble, for some it just never arrives.

So, how can you get your account activated anyway - also, why isn't it easier to register here?

  • We've had severe spam problems in the past, so I made the registration process more difficult (and tougher to fake). You MUST confirm your email address for this reason.
  • To get around this issue, simply send an email to simon |at| zadra |dot| org - make sure you send it from the same email address you used for registering!

When sending your email, please use "Lunatics.at Registration Problem" as the subject line, so I can distinguish your message from the tons of spam I receive daily.


Lunatics.at Site Owner

The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.
- Stephen Ambrose, in Fast Company

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