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Pages: [1]
This message is marked as News.
Topic: Forum Software Upgrade - expected server downtime: 1 hour (Read 113 times)
Hi folks, I'm going to take down lunatics.at for maintenance tonight. Reason - I'm installing an SEO (Search Engine Optimized) modification package for the forums, which I'll later expand for the whole site. All old links will get redirected and still work. In fact, it's a "permanent" redirect, so the search engines should pick up on it pretty quickly and update their records. So, in the future, the link http://lunatics.at/index.php/topic,152.2651.htmlwill look like http://lunatics.at/windows/gpu-crunching-question.msg2651.htmlinstead. Seems like a small thing, but in terms of search engine hits, it sure isn't  Regards, Simon.
Server maintenance is finished, everything should work as expected.
Please note that only the forums are SEO-friendly at this point, the rest will come later.
Regards, Simon.
Pages: [1]
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.- Arthur C. Clarke