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Pages: [1]
Topic: incorrect command line (Read 36 times)
OK... I can be slow, I know, so please be patient with me! I have successfully downloaded and installed the ver. 2.2 app (SSE2) for SETI. It's running very nicely thank you! However, out of curiosity, I decided to get the benchmarking tool. I unzipped the package and clicked on the SSE2 generic tool, but nothing appeared to happen. Task Manager told me it was running, but I saw no evidence of what it was doing. The same went for the SSE@ P4 tool. I downloaded the single SSE2 tool, but when I tried to unzip it, I got a message saying: "Incorrect command" or words to that effect. Thinking this was a corrupt download, I tried again to download, but with the results. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong???
Pages: [1]
It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.- Murphy's Law