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Topic: Releases - all released versions are announced here. (Read 150 times)
This thread is intentionally locked; if you want to be notified of new releases, please click on the "NOTIFY" icon above. In addition, please visit this link and check the first checkbox to receive important announcements and notifications by email. This way, you'll get notified of new released versions - it works like this: only one notification will be sent, even if more than one version is released. That is, unless you visit this thread in the meantime, then it'll get sent again. It's made to be as unobtrusive as possible, as you wouldn't want to receive an email for each post on a high-volume thread. Regards, Simon.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2007, 05:12:40 pm by Simon »
Pages: [1]
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.- Aesop, The Lion and the Mouse
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